Title: A General Differentially Private Learning Framework for Decentralized Data
Abstract:Decentralized consensus learning has been hugely successful that minimizing a finite sum of expected objectives over a network of agents. However, the local communication across neighbouring agents in the network may lead to the leakage of private information. To address this challenge, we propose a general differentially private (DP) learning framework that is applicable to direct and indirect communication networks without a central coordinator. We show that the proposed algorithm retains the performance guarantee in terms of generalization and finite sample performance. We investigate the impact of local privacy-preserving computation on the global DP guarantee. Further, we extend the discussion by adopting a new class of noise-adding DP mechanisms based on generalized Gaussian distributions to improve the utility-privacy trade-offs. Our numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm and its better performance over the state-of-the-art baseline methods in various decentralized settings.
王亚飞,英国University of Essex,Assistant Professor,博士生导师。主要研究方向是复杂数据分析特别是影像数据分析, 随机优化。多项研究成果发表在JMVA, CSDA、NeurIPS, AAAI等国际顶级期刊。